Just when you thought you’ve seen the cutest thing in the world, think again. Here are the cutest turkey dogs you will ever see!

1. This little guy is thrilled. The claws top him as the one of the cutest turkey dogs.

Turkey dogs

2. This homemade turkey costume is fit for any pooch.

Turkey dogs

3. Pilgrim or turkey? You decide. Turkey dogs

4. This pooch still seems to be smiling even though his costume looks a little snug. 

Turkey dogs

5. This owner went all out. This wins the best outfit for all turkey dogs!

Turkey dogs

6. Gobble gobble!

Turkey dogs

7. "What are you lookin' at?" 

Turkey dogs

8. "These feathers really accentuate my fur"

Turkey dogs

9. Awwwww.

Turkey dogs

10. "Just because I'm in this adorable costume doesn't mean I'm still not tough"

Turkey dogs You can add these adorable dogs to your list of what you’re thankful for.

If you loved the dogs dressed as turkeys, click here to view puppies playing in leaves!

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