This wolf sanctuary has everything that Coloradans love. So why haven’t you gone yet?

If there’s anything Colorado knows, it’s wildlife. Everyone in Colorado is aware of bears, mountain lion, and wolves. With popular TV shows like Game of Thrones, everyone wants their own personal Ghost by their side. So why is it that no one ever talks about the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center? What’s up with that?

good baby smiling

Courtesy of Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center (Facebook)

Founded in 1993 in the city of Divide, Colorado, this Wolf Sanctuary has been conserving, educating, and providing happy lives for the good girls and good boys that reside there. Unlike some sanctuaries in the U.S., the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center carries a certification from the Association of Zoos and Animals. What does this mean? They are serious people who seriously love wolves.

One of the main things the sanctuary offers is guided tours around the facility. Each tour lasts around an hour and they end with a group howl. However, there are different types of tours. Meet-and-greet tours entail an up-close encounter with two wolves, Keyni and Makuee. There is also a feeding tour where you and your friends could feed the wolves, coyotes, and foxes while learning about the current issues they’re facing today. These tours are reservation only and prices vary depending on which tour you want.

But other animal sanctuaries offer tours and educate about their animals, what makes this one so special?

Three Words: Full. Moon. Tours. They only come once a month and reservations fill up fast. They include food and drinks with the two-hour tour starting at sunset, as well as offer a full moon feeding tour where you can feed the wolves at night.

Carmen Cordova
A coffee-fueled goofball who enjoys bad jokes, good video games, and ugly lampshades. Her number one goal is to enjoy life to the fullest (and weirdest) level she can. When she's not sitting on the couch enjoying too much horror movies and anxiously knitting, she's outside petting every dog in sight.