Over 11,000 fans are expected to stuff the Blake Arena stands across five days, with 50 schools from 17 states playing 33 games at Springfield College.
A Springfield man who was arrested in October after evading police for months, was sentenced to prison for trafficking drugs and possessing a firearm and ammunition.
A Dayton man was indicted on federal charges for reportedly stealing thousands of dollars in nearly a dozen armed robberies in the Dayton and Springfield area last month. Timothy Farr, 43, is facing 24 charges,
I just really wanted to come out and thank the people who saved my life,” Holly Hesse says while holding Bailey, her 3-year-old dog, the second life that was saved.
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) - Springfield saw a significant decrease in its murder rate between 2023 and 2024, and we wanted to find out what could be driving that. Western Mass News got answers from the Hampden District Attorney on why that may be.
It is going to be monster truck against monster truck and driver against driver as part of the Monster Truck Nitro Tour, roaring into the Springfield arena this weekend for two shows on Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
4-H stands for “Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.” Graham began holding Boys and Girls Agriculture Club meetings in the basement of a building in Springfield. These meetings were the precursor to 4-H, which now serves youth in every state in America.
Ali Ghaffar was held accountable today for the horrific crimes he committed.” Said Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni. “His actions caused unspeakable harm to his many victims and left a lasting impact on their lives and our community.
SPRINGFIELD — A man accused of robbing three convenience stores at gunpoint in a one-hour time period was arrested over the weekend. Willie Duke, 31, of Springfield, was arrested Sunday morning and charged with three counts of armed robbery with a firearm while masked and failure to stop for police, said Ryan Walsh, police spokesman.
Two more buildings are stuck in limbo waiting to be demolished on Adams Street...417 and 421 East Adams were severely damaged in the June fire that displaced fo
The Illinois National Guard will send 110 soldiers and 30 airmen to help with security at the presidential inauguration next week in Washington D.C. Airmen with