Colorado State Patrol to increase DUI enforcement for the end of the summer.

The state of Colorado will be extra vigilant of drunk drivers during the Labor Day weekend. As the summer comes to a close and its end is unofficially celebrated during Labor Day weekend, the outdoor festivities and parties increase, and with it, the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is aware of this so they have teamed up with the Colorado State Patrol in order to increase DUI enforcement during Labor Day weekend, which begins on  Friday, August 30, until Monday, September 2.

State Patrol

Photo Courtesy of Colorado State Patrol (Facebook)

Anyone who has plans for the Labor Day weekend should expect to see additional patrols and checkpoints across the state during this time.

CDOT also calls for drivers to take responsibility into their own hands and avoid a DUI or a more tragic circumstance. So, CDOT is offering a 50 percent discount on personal breathalyzers, BACKtrack. The partnership between the Department of Transportation and the company is meant to promote responsibility and empowerment to Coloradans so they can make smart decisions about drinking and driving.

To learn more about the personal breathalyzers and the discount information, go visit the BACtrack website.

According to CDOT, nearly 60 people in Colorado are arrested every day for driving while impaired. And your level of impairment could increase or decrease based on the following factors:

  • Number of standard drinks
  • How quickly you drink
  • Gender
  • Bodyweight
  • How much food you’ve eaten
  • Body type
  • Fatigue
  • Hydration

So please, be safe this weekend, Colorado. Get a Lyft or Uber to take you where you need to go.

What are your plans for the Labor Day weekend in Colorado? Are you going on a quick weekend trip? Staying home and grilling up some barbeque? Sound off in the comments below.

Maria-Emilia Garcia
Maria-Emilia is a Denver transplant from Puerto Rico who loves tea time, The Beatles, and any dog that crosses her path. When she isn't writing for OCN, she can be found on her YouTube channel, CineClub, talking about movies. If she isn't trying to complete a DIY project, she is binge-watching 'Friends' for the umpteenth time or exploring the art scene in Denver.