In Episode 3, Mike brings in his step-daughter McKayla to chat about tattoos and piercings, as well as how to talk that "GEN Z Slang!"

Welcome to the OCN Parental Composure Podcast, a no-nonsense look at some of the entertaining yet challenging aspects of parenting. Mike and Elise will discuss a variety of practical topics mixed in with some humor and, of course, parenting anecdotes. Listen, laugh, and learn while, hopefully, walking away with a renewed strength for facing another week as a parent in today's society.

Elise and Mike talk with Mike's step-daughter McKayla and get her feedback on a few things, like how old is "old enough" to get tattoos and/or piercings and more. McKayla also teaches Elise and Mike on how to correctly pronounce some of the latest "GEN Z Slang" words and what they mean.

Watch Episode 3 of the OCN Parental Composure Podcast below on the Our Community Now YouTube Channel. You can also follow and listen to it on SpotifyiTunes, and RedCircle.

Michael Ayers
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