How many facts do you know?

*Originally published on March 21, 2017:

There is no doubt D.C. has a ton of history. There are some facts that pretty much everyone knows—but here are some D.C. facts you probably didn't know!

1. The Washington Monument is two different colors, but wasn’t supposed to be.

Funding ran out halfway through the project. So when it was finally finished, they accidentally used a different stone. Oops!

2. Washington, D.C., residents drink more wine per capita than any other state in the U.S.

Cheers to you!

3. The original etching on the Lincoln Memorial had a typo.

Of course, it has been fixed. But the letter "E" was chiseled into the beginning of the word "Future" on the north wall by accident.

4. Washington, D.C., gets more rain than Seattle does.

It's only by about 2 inches, though.

5. Darth Vader is sculpted onto the National Cathedral.

You're gonna need binoculars to find him. Gargoyles also adorn this iconic building!

6. Every road in the city leads to the Capitol Building.

It’s the dividing center for all the quadrants of the city.

7. President Jimmy Carter was a big fan of watching movies in The White House. In fact, he holds the record.

No one has beaten his record of watching 480 movies in The White House movie theater!

8. John Quincy Adams and Herbert Hoover both had very interesting pets. These pets were alligators.

We just have one question: whyyy?

9. There is an empty crypt underneath the Capitol.

George Washington was supposed to be buried there. It still remains empty.

10. The metro in D.C. is the second busiest metro system in the country.

The top busiest metro system? New York, of course.

Did you know these Washington, D.C., facts prior to reading this article? Are there any missing? Email us at [email protected]!

Magalie Noebes
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