A tweet a day keeps the sadness at bay! It's a rough world out there, and we've compiled a list of the 10 absolutely best Twitter feeds for restoring your faith in humanity -- and humor!

Check out our favorite Twitter feeds below! Epcot Centre @EpcotCentre Can't. Stop. Laughing. Since 2013, this parody Twitter account has "represented" Disney World's Epcot Center from the perspective of a somewhat tired and disgruntled employee who doesn't fully comprehend Epcot's world-class star power in the world of theme parks. It makes it seem like Epcot is a mom-and-pop operation with all the management and customer issues that would typically plague your ordinary local amusement park. What makes it even more fun and endearing are the comments and responses to each tweet. Twitter feeds The Last Blockbuster @loneblockbuster Following along on Twitter with the day-to-day antics and frustrations of the employees at the "lone surviving Blockbuster video store" is a real treat. Satire at its very best! Warning: the tweets from this account often include swear words. twitter feedstwitter feedstwitter feeds Big Ben @big_ben_clock All the way from the Palace of Westminster in London, Big Ben's unofficial Twitter account keeps us apprised of the time in England. Even though the actual bell clock tower will be silent for the next four years for renovations, its Twitter feed is dutifully continuing on. twitter feeds Merriam-Webster @MerriamWebster The real-life editors at Merriam-Webster Dictionary are super smart and witty (as, ahem, most writer/editor types are), often offering definitions and tongue-in-cheek commentary that are relevant to the day's news. We promise you you'll love it. twitter feedstwitter feedstwitter feeds Banana Facts @TrueBananaFacts This Twitter account hasn't posted any new banana facts since May, but here's hoping that some additional followers and increased attention to their feed will encourage the Banana Fact Holders to keep dishing out banana facts in the future. The world needs you, Banana Facts. twitter feeds
Faces In Things @FacesPics If you're a fan of mimetoliths (faces that appear in nature or objects), then this Twitter feed is for you! Personally? It makes me very, very happy. twitter feeds Denny's @DennysDiner The good people at America's favorite diner keep their Twitter feed going with a "feel-good" running commentary from and about our favorite foods. It's good for a daily chuckle, but warning: it may make you hungry. twitter feeds twitter feeds Every Tweet Ever @EveryTweet_Ever Making an entertaining statement about Twitter as a whole, the Every Tweet Ever account summarizes our Twitter feeds with generalizations that speak to the triteness of social media. You'll appreciate the sarcasm and its nod to "perspective." There truly is nothing new under the sun. twitter feeds Elizabeth Windsor @Queen_UK As if Queen Elizabeth is tweeting up a storm on her smartphone, this satirical Twitter account is royally entertaining! Sometimes she even refers to herself in the third person, adding to the hoity-toity hilarity. twitter feedstwitter feedstwitter feeds Puns @omgthatspunny If you're a fan of puns, then you'll really appreciate the collection of "punny" jokes that consistently fills this feed. Wordplays are always pleasantly entertaining, especially when interspersed with the junk and political commentary that tends to take over a feed. twitter feeds What do you think of our list? Did we miss any of your favorite Twitter feeds? We'd love to hear about them! Weigh in below!

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J. Moore
A synesthete who sees the world in vivid color, Joy is all about soaking up life experiences -- and then translating those experiences into words. Freckle-faced and coffee-fueled, Joy is on a personal quest to visit all 50 states in her lifetime (40 down!), see all the Broadway musicals, and eat all the tacos. For fun, she plays the piano, diagrams sentences, and solves true crime stories from her couch, along with her husband of 20 years and their teenage daughter.