Start your morning off with a good workout!

Now that gyms are opening back up, there are no more available excuses for you to not get moving. If you're worried about being too close to others while exercising, it's time to consider working out in the mornings. I know, I know, that requires getting up early, but let's be real here, you've had several months of permissible laziness, and it's time to get moving! 

Here are three reasons you should try giving morning exercise a go:

You Get It Over With

Do you really want to go through your day dreading the fact that you still have to work out? Even if you don’t dread it, it’s not exactly the most fun way to spend your evening. By working out in the morning before work, or before you get the rest of your day started, you’ve already accomplished one of your biggest tasks.

It will make you feel energized and excited to crush your goals, put you in a more positive mindset, and get you on track for a healthier day. Plus, your evenings will finally be free for you to do whatever you want. 

If you’re thinking about how you’re not a morning person, and how can you possibly wake up that early, force yourself to try it once.

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5 Tips for Becoming a Better Morning Person

You Don’t Have to Deal With as Many People

As we continue to navigate through the curveballs that COVID-19 throws at us, social distancing is still important. There are significantly fewer people in a fitness center during the morning hours, which means ample space between you and another person. You will definitely get your choice of machines and be able to lift your weights in peace. And as a bonus, you don’t have to worry about anyone else watching you.

You’ll Eat Better and Make More Positive Choices

If you already put in the work at the gym, why ruin all that by eating something you shouldn’t or doing something that could derail you? Use working out as a motivator for the rest of your day. 

Because you’ve done something good for your body first thing, you’ll want to continue to nourish it. Your protein smoothie after your workout can count as breakfast, and you won’t be as keen on random snacking. And working out makes your body crave water, so you’ll be able to substitute all those not-so-great-for-you drinks like Frappuccinos and soft drinks. 

Exercising releases endorphins that just make you feel happier. When you feel happy, your anxiety or sadness or stress (or whatever other extreme emotion you may feel) spirals less. You’ll be more centered and think clearer. If a coworker makes a mistake or your friend texts you something that would normally piss you off, you won’t be grumpy and respond in a way you may later regret. You’ll be able to see the big picture much better. 

OCN Staff Writer
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