Early November is probably the only time of year that you'll have that unique problem of having TOO much candy. Once the buzz of trick-or-treating wears off, sit your gang down to decide what to do with all the goodies.

*Originally published in 2019:

We've all faced that pile of candy with a mixture of dread and glee. How can you keep everyone from going into sugar overload? Here are some ideas of what you can do with your leftover Halloween treats.

1. Make movie bags

I got this idea from my big sister who is also the family queen of sneaking in food on trips to the movies. Using the small snack-sized candy, make a dozen or so Ziploc bags containing a handful of candy. Store in the freezer if they contain chocolate, and save money down the road! Score!

2. Crafting

Peppermints, candy corn, Smarties, and Necco wafers are all great candies for Thanksgiving crafts or gingerbread houses. If you're making something to keep over the years, like a salt dough ornament, make sure you apply a clear coat to preserve everything.

Courtesy of Taste of Home

3. Donate the candy locally

Food banks and shelters take donations of wrapped candy and distribute it to local families who are unbelievably happy to receive it. Make sure to take your children with you to make the donation so they can see firsthand the effects of their generosity. To find a shelter near you, visit this national database and search by state or zip code.

4. Donate to the troops

Make someone's day by sending the candy off for a military care package. There are several websites that will take candy donations after Halloween, including Soldiers' Angels, Operation Gratitude, and Freedom Alliance. Most of the dentist "candy buy-backs" also contribute directly to these organizations. With the AnySoldier site, you can find a specific service member to send a personalized care package and holiday gifts. Make it a family project to create something really great!

Courtesy of AnySoldier

Did we miss any cool ideas for what to do with Halloween candy? Let us know in the comments below!

Sarina Petrocelly
Born in Laos but raised in Haiti and South Florida, Sarina developed a taste for international cuisine at an early age. Now in Woodbridge, VA, she likes to explore the area for the best authentic dives, freshest local produce, and downright yummiest meals in the DMV. When she’s not out with friends or family, she's home with her musician/artist husband Tony and their Jindo, Hachi. She enjoys cooking and finding activities that can drown out heavy metal guitar riffs.