Let's Give Thanks!

2020 has certainly made us appreciate the little things in life. As we enter a time of year that involves giving thanks, we thought it would be worthwhile to publically appreciate one of the things getting us through this year (and also every other year): sushi. This delicious Japanese food is a surefire way to improve your day, for reasons like...

It's the Perfect Date Night Food


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Sushi is a scientifically proven way to make any date night at least 30% more romantic. Picnic in the park? BAM. Sushi. Dinner by candlelight? Sushi it up! Sneaking food into a movie theater? Why not go for sushi? There's nothing more romantic than fumbling with a dipping tray of soy sauce in the back of a nearly empty theatre. 

It's the Perfect Food for ANY Occasion


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Beyond date nights, sushi is a great way to make any mundane event feel classy. Bring some to a company potluck and watch as it's gobbled up within MOMENTS. Turn an evening with friends into a full soiree with some sushi takeout. Even if you're just eating some cheap, store-bought stuff at home, you can certainly make an evening out of it. 

It's Healthy(ish)


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Okay, so MOST sushi is healthy. There are plenty of rolls out there that add mayo, cream cheese, fried onions, or a variety of secret sauces for something that's as delicious as it is calorie-dense. But types of sushi consist of little more than raw fish, rice, and seaweed (along with light vegetables). These rolls manage to be filling (and tasty) while also being friendly on the waistline. 

It's a Change of Pace


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Unless you live in parts of Asia (or next to the ocean), sushi usually isn't a snack food. That means it hasn't been subject to the same flavor attrition that comes from mindlessly stress-eating while watching Netflix. For most Americans, getting sushi indicates that something is an EVENT. That kind of intrinsic excitement is always great to tap in to. 

Just Look at It


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Seriously. Is there another food that looks this pretty? There are plenty of dishes that look delicious, but very few that look like art. The only drawback to sushi is that some dishes look so aesthetically pleasing that it almost feels disrespectful to eat them.



What's your favorite type of sushi? Sound off in the comments! 

Andre Gilbo
Andre Gilbo is a content writer for OCN. In his spare time, he enjoys horror novels and trees.