Why should you inconvenience yourself flying when you can just hop in your Newmar and go?
There’s something to be said about a road trip. In fact, most of my positive memories of traveling have been when I’m on a road trip. You get to spend multiple hours with friends, family, or acquaintances and you either find out things you never knew about one another or you create funny memories that will last a lifetime. You never look back on your RV trip and say “oh yeah I remember when we were stuck waiting to take off for three and a half hours.” Convenience is key! Transwest Truck Trailer RV couldn’t be a better spot to begin those memories with your new RV.
1.When you fly, what is there to look at? NOTHING.
When you travel via RV, you have the luxury of enjoying the beautiful surrounding views. When you travel by plane, you get to stare into the sky which don’t get me wrong, is great, but for like two seconds. Unless you’re like Annie in Bridesmaids, in which case you might see a colonial woman on the wing.
2.Always ride first class in your Coach
When you’re on a plane what most likely happens is you’re wedged between two people or your legs are jammed into the seat ahead of you. You’re either hot or cold, tired, nervous, or even nauseous. Turbulence is inevitable and, in my opinion, terrifying. When you travel in your coach, it’s always first class. Stretch your legs, take a nap, even make yourself some lunch!
3. Your ride, your rules
When you’re on a plane, unfortunately you aren’t in complete control. You have strangers surrounding you and you ultimately don’t have any say in the way your travel takes place. When you ride in your coach, you make the rules. Whatever you says goes!
4.How ever many carry ons you desire, no cost
Have you noticed nowadays that airlines like Frontier and Spirit actually charge you to even bring a carry on?? Not to mention you also have to pay $6 extra dollars to reserve a seat? When you travel by RV, you can bring whatever your heart desires. You will no longer have to deal with the sassy flight attendant who tells you your carry on is a half inch too big. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
5. Traveling by RV does cost less
This is probably hard for you to believe, but according to a study conducted in 2011, a family of four can save 25-29 percent PER vacation and couples can save 11-49 percent even after fuel and costs are considered. Cha ching cha ching! Save more money and travel even MORE.