Many may relate to what I’m about to say, or perhaps I am about to blow your mind.

Growing up with an Italian mother is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. If you think you have it rough, think again (I’m totally kidding, but not really). One thing my mother always was and will always be, is a devout strict Catholic. This leads me to the first of the five ways you know you grew up with an Italian mother.  

1.You can never call in sick on Sunday

As if Friday at school wasn’t enough, you had to be present in your best Sunday attire for 10:30 am. My brother, who is three years older than me, had a fantastic time trying to get me in trouble during this one hour we were supposed to sit still and remain silent. Eventually, it got to the point where he poked me one too many times. So naturally I lashed out (which resulted in me almost flipping over the pew). As you can imagine, my sweet mother was mortified. She believed it was my fault (OF COURSE NOT), therefore not only was I present for 10:30 mass, I was also present for the following 12:30 service. I became extra holy that day. Italian Mother

2. Whispering is for the weak.

Many of my friends thought they have witnessed a fight going down between my mother and I, but if you grew up in an Italian household, you would know that they yell when they speak. We could be having a normal conversation about where we’re going to dinner and to outsiders it looks like we’re arguing. Not to mention, Italians are known to talk with their hands. Combine the “screaming” and hand motions, and people might think you’re acting out a play. Italian Mother

3. Your wedding is planned the day you’re born.

Not only is your wedding planned, but they are already asking for grandbabies. This would be great if I had a fiance. Leave it to your mother, however, to suggest you speak with the so called “cute” boy she saw at mass. LOL. Sweet, but no thanks. Italian Mother

4. Skinny is not a thing.

If at any chance she notices that you are becoming thin or in her eyes too thin, she will instantly suggest you keep eating. She can’t stand the thought of not having a little extra love on you at all times. I have to repeatedly tell her that no mom, my boyfriend does not want a 7th helping. The funniest part is he is polite and accepts, but then proceeds to tell me how he feels like the holiday cheermeister after the cookie tasting in the Grinch who Stole Christmas. Just comes with the territory of having an Italian mother. Italian Mother

5. The Italian mother who never stops loving.

Not to brag or anything, but my mother is the most loving person I know. She always emphasized the importance of family and how you must stick together (hence why my aunt and uncle live across the street). Outsiders may think it’s strange I am so close to my 2nd cousins, but to me, it’s just the norm. Italian Mother

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