If you're going to fantasize about a vacation, pull out all the stops.

Some time ago, we were alerted to an article by our friends at the Denver Post, about Colorado vacations that are so luxurious one would have to win the lottery in order to take them.

Well ...

Fantasies that are grounded in reality are boring. So, we made up six way better vacations that are both incredible life experiences and, in some cases, not necessarily possible under the current laws of physics and space-time. Neil Degrasse Tyson is going to hate this list.

Chris Pratt Gives You a Piggyback Ride Across the Continental Divide

Love Parks & Rec? Of course, you do. Love Andy Dwyer? Of course, you do. He's like if a St. Bernard was a person. Nothing could be cooler for a Parks & Rec fan than Andy Dwyer himself, Chris Pratt, giving one of his famous piggyback rides across the Continental Divide. Nick Offerman is waiting on the other side with a firm handshake and a bottle of scotch.

Bring Hunter S. Thompson Back to Life and Hang Out in Aspen

Legendary writer Hunter S. Thompson spent much of his life at his "fortified compound" in Woody Creek, Colorado, just outside of Aspen. There's plenty to do in Aspen, one of the bougiest places in the country, and surely it's better to have a local show you around! Also, having a way to bring dead people back to life would be just great. We should work on that.

Go Into an Old Mine Shaft in Leadville and Fistfight a Tommyknocker

Tommyknockers are mythical creatures, basically leprechauns who live in mine shafts. The "knocks" that Tommyknockers make are supposed to forewarn cave-ins. Who wouldn't want to go a few rounds, bare-knuckle, with one of those little guys? Sounds like a hoot! 

Explore the Titanic With The Unsinkable Molly Brown

Bring Colorado's most famous survivor back to the scene of her most famous moment in time! See her old stateroom! Watch her walk those famous decks once more! Promenade up and down the grand staircase. Nevermind that the Titanic is like two miles beneath the ocean surface and mostly degraded, and also that Molly Brown is dead. It'll be fun!

Go Back in Time and Do Drugs With Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac's immortal On The Road takes place partly in Denver. In the semi-autobiographical novel, the characters spend a lot of time in Denver doing lots of drugs and writing poetry. Sounds like a lovely time! Now, if only we could get the dang time machine to work. Any flux capacitor experts out there?

Just kidding. Don't do drugs. Forget I said anything.

Go to the Top of a Mountain With John Elway and He Reveals the Meaning of Life

You meet John Elway at the trailhead. He gives you a signed Von Miller jersey and you take a selfie with him and the jersey for Instagram. You hike up the mountain while he tells you stories about winning the Super Bowl and about how he got Peyton Manning to come to the Broncos. 

You break treeline and a mist descends. (That is not typical weather for Colorado but it's okay because this isn't real.) You start to tire and two unicorns, already saddled, appear out of the mist and you and John Elway climb on the unicorns, which whisk you to the top.

There is a campfire burning at the top with two chairs and a cooler fool of some fancy Colorado beer. You and John Elway each take a seat and he looks you solemnly in the eye.

"Are you ready to hear it?" John Elway asks. "The meaning of life?"

You nod.

He tells you, and you take another selfie with him for Instagram, and get on the unicorns and ride back to civilization to hold your newfound enlightenment over your friends. They will be so jealous.

What do YOU think? Pretty awesome, right? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Take a REAL trip to the Great Sand Dunes National Park.

Sam Klomhaus
Sam is really cool and you should be friends with him. He can't believe they let him write his own bio either! When Sam isn’t writing words, he’s usually reading books, playing sports, skiing, camping and rafting. Just kidding, usually he’s daydreaming. He lives in the woods.