Cold Stone Crazy!

We've all dreamed of ordering every single mix-in at Cold Stone, but since most of us don't have a black American Express card, we've never quite had the guts to do it. That is, until one man, John M. Edwards – a writer for Serious Eats – walked into a Cold Stone on a mission. Cold Stone claims that you can mix in any of the toppings to create your dream heap of the frozen creamy stuff, and for Edwards that meant ordering every single one. 

So he went up to the counter, selected a French vanilla base, and ordered every single mix-in. That's a riot of 24 competing toppings to be exact. Needless to say, he was quickly reminded that he had to pay $0.69 per topping, but like the folk hero he is, he remained committed to the task at hand.

In his article, he wrote that the woman who took the order started mashing and mixing with heaping spoonfuls of M&Ms, marshmallows, crushed graham crackers, but the part that really got him was when they lobbed a full piece of sponge cake on top. I personally don't think I'd be able to keep a straight face through it all, but somehow they managed to. 

The result? A soupy mountain of candy, fruit, peanut butter, and regret that cost Edwards $28.90. 

"The mix-ins, of course, are the main reason to go to Cold Stone. But it turns out they make sense only up to a certain limit," he wrote. He also recommends that you limit your creation to five toppings, and we agree, but we're also happy to know that when it comes to Cold Stone the sky is the limit. 

If you're going to try this, we recommend that you consult a doctor, a civil engineer, and visit one of our favorite Cold Stone locations: 

Cold Stone Parker or Cold Stone Cornerstar

Cold Stone The District or Cold Stone Aurora City Place,

Cold Stone Quincy Place or Cold Stone Southlands.

What are your thoughts? What is your go-to Cold Stone combo? We want to hear about it, so let us know in the comments below!

Want to hear more about what's going on in Colorado? Did you guys hear that In-N-Out Burger plans on bringing 50 locations to Denver?

George Erbert
George is a Denver native who has an unapologetic love for cars, strong coffee, road trips, and -- despite his youthful appearance -- bygone eras of country music. In his free time, you'll find him carving mountain back roads in whatever car he's lent for the weekend, reading, writing, or unsuccessfully trying to replicate things shown on any of Anthony Bourdain's TV shows.