BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) -Supporters of Amendment 2 held an event in Bowling Green Tuesday evening to tout the benefits that they said other states have seen through similar legislative decisions.

Those in favor of the amendment say that if passed it will allow legislators to make new laws allowing parents to choose where their children go to school.

“We already have programs, like the Federal PELL Grant program, for example, because we recognize that access to higher education is a public good,” said event moderator and WKU professor Gary Houchens. “We spend tax dollars to give low-income students the opportunity to attend any school, any college and university they can get admitted to, public or private, because we recognize that is a very personal benefit that ultimately benefits everyone.”

A concerned parent, Ashley Cornwell also spoke during the event, saying that her perception of public school changed after COVID-19 presented an opportunity to see how and what her kids were being taught.

“[The teacher] knowingly overstepped her bounds, talked about the virus, instilling a daily fear in these children that if they did not wear a mask or vaccinate, they were going to die. She even discussed those dangerous conservatives. The conservatives were destroying the country, especially that big bad orange man who sat in the White House,” said Cornwell.

Another speaker and Spokesperson for the American Federation of Children, Walter Blanks Jr., spoke on how he directly benefited from similar legislation that allowed his family to send him to a better school.

“To say that school choice changed and saved my life is an understatement. I came from an environment where I was surrounded by poverty, crime, and low expectations. It was hard to find the best fit for me. I was in a different school almost every single year and because of the program in Ohio I was able to thrive in my educational environment. One system cannot fit the needs of every single child.”

Amendment 2 will be on the ballot this November.