What brew did Colorado pick?

AskMen did a survey of 1,000 men across the country to get an idea of what men in the U.S. choose when they want a cold brew. Their survey showed that 18.4 percent of the men picked Budweiser, with the brew being a favorite in many states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, South Dakota, Virginia, and Wyoming.

Colorado-brewed Coors Light came in second in the sample group, with 13.7 percent, which was top on the list for Arizona, Indiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Wisconsin. It was not, however, Colorado's favorite. AskMen’s survey reported that Corona, third place on the list (11.8 percent), was Colorado’s favorite, as well as top of the list for California, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

favorite beer by state

Courtesy of www.askmen.com

You can check out the full list of beers by state here.

We're curious to see if a sample of 1,000 people (not just men) from each of the 50 states would show the same results. In Colorado, folks love their microbrews and craft beers, and if you ask around, you'll find that tastes tend to change regionally.  

There were some slightly different results for what beer each state prefers, according to a Food & Wine report back in 2018. That report showed the Google Trends for beer searches by state, and Americans tend to prefer a variety of brews, often veering towards locally made brews; Aloha in Hawaii, Lone Star in Texas, and Boulder Beer Company in Colorado.

Beer bottles

Courtesy of Pixabay

Remember, the survey asked 1,000 men across the country, which works out to about 50 per state. So, taking all that into consideration, what do you think? Did AskMen’s survey accurately represent Colorado and what people like to drink here? We also want to hear from the ladies, because we girls often enjoy a cold crisp brew on a hot summer’s day. So let us know, ladies; do you agree with the results of this survey? Sound off in the comments.