Word nerds, rejoice! In honor of the Scripps National Spelling Bee, GoogleTrends has compiled a list of the words most frequently entered in "how to spell" searches this year. And they've organized it by state!

Now, thanks to this list released by GoogleTrends, you can make fun of other states based on the word their residents most frequently misspell (or at least search the spelling of!). Colorado's most frequently misspelled word? "Tomorrow." "Pneumonia" made the list five times, as did "beautiful." Connecticut and West Virginia residents must be pretty big Mary Poppins fans: their most searched word was "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." And Wisconsin? They most frequently have trouble remembering how to spell, well, "Wisconsin." I've gotta say, most of these words are understandable. There are a lot of tricky ones included on the list. Nothing against the good people of Mississippi, though, but "nanny"? Really? That's the one I found most surprising! word Reference the handy color-coded map above to see which states were tripped up by which words!

The recent hailstorm in Colorado cost a whopping $1.4 billion! Read more here!

J. Moore
A synesthete who sees the world in vivid color, Joy is all about soaking up life experiences -- and then translating those experiences into words. Freckle-faced and coffee-fueled, Joy is on a personal quest to visit all 50 states in her lifetime (40 down!), see all the Broadway musicals, and eat all the tacos. For fun, she plays the piano, diagrams sentences, and solves true crime stories from her couch, along with her husband of 20 years and their teenage daughter.