If you've been napping on the job while working from home, rest assured, you're not alone. 

With so many people working from home over the last couple of months, napping on the job has become more and more common. Zippia.com did a survey of 2,000 American workers at home to get a little insight into how the afternoon nap is being handled. The results are quite interesting, and it appears some states are home to a few more nappers than others.

According to this survey, on average, at least one in three at-home workers finds a way to sneak in a little shut-eye on the clock. 

The good folks of North Dakota and Alaska are by far the most dedicated to the middle-of-the-workday nap, with 67 percent of workers in both states admitting to taking a nap. Nebraska comes in third and Delaware, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Washington all tied for fourth, with 50 percent.

The states with the least number of nappers reported were Vermont, Montana, and Wyoming.

View the full results to see where your state is on the list.

In addition, 15 percent of respondents admitted sleeping at their desks, while 37 percent preferred the comforts of their beds. And one in three nappers do NOT set an alarm. 

Napping was not the only activity people are doing on the clock while working from home; other distractions and non-work activities include social media, snack and smoke breaks, chores, chatting with co-workers, video games, and childcare, among countless others.


The Mayo Clinic tells us that napping has several health benefits, as it helps with relaxation and reduces fatigue, as well as improve mood, performance, memory, and reaction time. Their advice for taking a productive and healthy nap: 

  • Keep naps short.
  • Nap in the afternoon, as napping after 3.pm. will interfere with nighttime rest. 
  • Create a restful relaxing space, with a quiet and, if possible, darker room … no desk sleeping! 
  • Also, keep in mind that you will need a few minutes to adjust after a nap, especially if you have a work call or chat right after your snooze. 
  • Longer, excessive napping every day can be a sign of underlying health conditions. 

We are happy to know we are not the only ones feeling the draw of that nap break. What activities have you been doing on the clock since working from home? Sound off on the comments.