A hybrid model of in-person and online classes will start on October 12.

Aurora Public Schools (APS) shared on Tuesday evening that in-person classes would be resuming in October. In an announcement posted on the district website and sent to families and staff, the district outlined its plan for moving forward. 

In-person learning will be resuming through a hybrid model, students will be learning both in-person and remotely. Students will be divided into two groups and will attend school on a rotating “A” and “B” group basis. In-person learning will be held Monday through Thursday; Fridays will be an asynchronous workday for students, both remote and in person. There will be social distancing requirements that students and staff must follow, but more information will be sent out from each school to their specific community soon.

The district will also offer a fully remote option for those students and families that prefer to stay online for the year. 

Some notable information about the APS district's plan:

  • Students in Preschool and Kindergarten were already scheduled to return to in-person classes on September 28. Preschool students will attend four days a week, Monday through Friday.
  • Kindergarten students will attend two days a week and be divided into “A” and “B” groups. Kindergarten students in the “A” group will attend in-person classes on Monday and Tuesday; “B” group Kindergarten students will attend in person on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Students in grades 1 through 8 will return to in-person classes on October 12, the "A" group will attend first. B group students will start the following week.
  • Grades 9-12 will return on October 20, with the "B" group starting first. 
  • Staff will return to the building on October 1 to prepare for the return of students and in-person learning. 
  • There will be no difference in groups other than attending different weeks or from home, all students will be learning at the same pace. 
  • Parents who want to change their choice of in-person or fully remote learning have until September 22 to do so and must contact their child’s school. 

The calendar for the hybrid model is below:

APS calendar


APS calendar Spanish

“Locally, we are seeing lower rates of COVID-19 transmission. School and district staff have continued to prepare for a safe return to in-person learning and we are confident that all of our planning will facilitate a safe and smooth transition," said Superintendent Rico Munn in a statement. “The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to make difficult decisions every day. Please know that as a district, we will continue to make decisions based upon the best science available to us."

The determination to return to in-person learning was made based off a decision matrix approved by the APS Board that takes into account health data specific to the community, school, and district conditions. Nine indicators within the matrix rely on public health data and measures from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Tri-County Health Department websites. 

What do you think about the Aurora Public Schools hybrid model for returning to in-person learning? Sound off in the comments.