The school district has been supporting students and families with free meals through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aurora Public Schools (APS) has been supporting students and their families throughout the coronavirus pandemic by providing free meals. For some students, they heavily rely on the meals they receive at school every day, a need that's grown as parents are facing the loss of jobs and income. The district has worked hard to help aid these students and their families.

Since March 17, they've passed out more than 600,000 free meals.

“I appreciate all of your patience and understanding throughout the past few weeks. In times like these, it is critical for each of us to do our part in taking care of ourselves, our families, and our community. The collective strength of the APS community inspires me every day and I am grateful to be part of it.” Rico Munn, APS superintendent. 

When the school closures first started, APS began by passing out meals for students in the district, but then was able to quickly add meals for entire families after collaborating with community partners and receiving very generous philanthropic support. The district also applied for a federal waiver to expand its ability to serve meals during the extended school closure. For the last two months, the district has handed out free breakfast, lunch, and dinner at 16 locations around Aurora.

Once a week, representatives from the Children’s Hospital come to the food sites and pass out nonperishable groceries provided by Food Bank of the Rockies. They rotate through half of the locations each week so that every site is receiving extra food every two weeks.

For those who need assistance with food, the statewide Food Resource Hotline is a bilingual, toll-free number that will connect callers with help. Call the hotline at (720)-382-2920, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Those who are hearing impaired should call Relay Colorado at 7-1-1 or 1-(800)-659-2656.

Students and their families who need food are asked to go to the location nearest to their home. Locations are grab-and-go and available Monday through Friday, times vary by location.

APS food sites

The sheer volume of meals that APS has handed out over the last eight weeks is indicative of the financial strain and worry many families are feeling. Community members who would like to help students and families can donate through the APS Foundation here.

Do you know of any other organizations in the Aurora area that are offering free food and assistance to students? Please share these resources with us and the community in the comments.