Leap Year is a funny thing. Since a year does not technically have 365 days, an extra day in the Gregorian calendar, or an extra month in lunar calendars, is required. And we'll have a Leap Year this year, in 2024! 

As a result, across the globe traditions and superstitions have arisen around this extra day we mark every four years. So, after searching far and wide, here are some of our favorite superstitions, from Ireland to Taiwan!

Mixed-Up Marriage Motion

One of the most common traditions surrounding the leap year, especially in the British Isles, is the belief that February 29 is the only day that a woman can make a wedding proposal to a man. 

Superstition had long attributed the tradition to one of the patron saints of Ireland, Saint Patrick. But it appears that the practice may have originated in 1288, by way of royal decree by the five-year-old Queen Margaret of Scotland.

Jacob Meizell
Born in Delaware but living in Maryland! I have a passion for sports, music and movies!