For 2025, Berger is expanding its Hunting Ammunition line, adding popular .30-06 Springfield and 300 WSM cartridges. Options include .30-06 Springfield 168- and 185-grain, 300 WSM 185-grain, and a heaviest-in-class 205-grain offering.

Berger Hunting Ammunition now features quality components from the precision handloading marketplace, meticulously loaded into each round. These include Berger’s high-BC, hybrid-ogive hunting bullets, Lapua premium cases and Vihtavuori rifle propellants.

Berger Hunting Ammunition is optimized for traditional magazine-length rifle applications to feed reliably each and every firing. For hunters demanding an ethical harvest, Berger ammo provides two- to three-inches of penetration before producing extreme hydrostatic shock and a massive wound cavity through the vitals. This means energy is delivered where most effective: inside the animal.

“Hunters and outdoor enthusiasts with little time or desire to handload, may now purchase premium hunting ammunition loaded with the finest quality components available,” stated Berger marketing director, Geoff Esterline. “All planning to enjoy the outdoors this fall will have an opportunity to Shoot Better with new Berger .30-06 and 300 WSM ammunition.”

For more information, visit .

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