Wait. Was that supposed to be John Elway?

When the Broncos returned to the gridiron Monday night, ESPN aired a cartoon graphic depicting former Broncos quarterback and current General Manager John Elway showing off his recent draft picks popping out of an orange 4x4 vehicle. The graphic aired during the first half of Monday's match between the Denver Broncos and the Tennessee Titans and immediately created a firestorm of social media confusion.

Is that burly looking, sunglass-wearing character supposed to be John Elway? Those reacting to the graphic called it everything from bizarre to confusing. Evidence, including a #7 badge on the character's lapel and a sign with Elway's name pointing directly at him, suggests that it is, in fact, supposed to be John Elway.

See what Twitter had to say:














What do you think of the bizarre graphic of John Elway? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

Kristen Ann
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