Boeing has officially acquired Aurora Flight Sciences and will soon be working together to develop new commercial and defense unmanned air crafts.

Boeing, the largest aerospace company in the world and maker of commercial airplanes and defense systems, has jointly announced with Aurora Flight Sciences of Manassas that it has completed an acquisition of the smaller company. Aurora Flight Sciences is based in Virginia and will now operate under the Boeing Engineering, Test and Technology division and the company under its current name and operations model as a subsidiary. Aurora Flight Sciences is known as a world-class manufacturer and developer of sophisticated unmanned systems and aerospace platforms and will continue to operate as prior. As the deal was recently finalized, its sum has remained undisclosed. Aurora was founded in 1989 and now will be a big part of Boeing’s research sector in developing and producing new autonomous technologies. Aurora Flight Services brings government contracts with the FAA and NASA. Last year, its technologically advanced unmanned plane named Orion -- which has launched the company to the forefront of unmanned aerospace technology and design -- broke a world record by flying 80 hours straight.
Aurora has also been in the headlines lately alongside Uber as the two companies are working together to test aircrafts, which, if developed according to plan, will help Uber to launch its Elevate Network which essentially would make flying taxi fleets a reality one day. [caption id="attachment_4676" align="aligncenter" width="750"]Boeing courtesy of gephardtdaily[/caption] Aurora will also be working under the Boeing umbrella to produce remotely flown commercial and military aircrafts. [caption id="attachment_4677" align="aligncenter" width="609"]Boeing courtesy of the commercial dispatch[/caption] Aurora Flight Sciences is headquartered in Manassas and has a total of six research and development locations in Switzerland, Massachusetts, West Virginia, Mississippi, Ohio, and California -- all of which will now be a part of Boeing. Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences have been longtime partners. The merger will allow the smaller company to utilize Boeing’s resources while also helping to gain more and better exposure to world markets, while Boeing will benefit from the smaller company’s innovative designs, projects, and staff to further the advancement of new technologies.

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