Book breakfast with the Easter Bunny himself!

When: Saturday, April 8th 10-12p.m.

Where: The Salvation Army KROC Center

*Tickets are $7/person*

Mark your calendars and book breakfast with The Salvation Army to celebrate Easter with the Easter bunny. There will be a breakfast buffet, games, crafts, and most importantly the Easter Bunny. Your kids will love it! book breakfast Unfamiliar with The Salvation Army? The Salvation Army is a Christian organization who's mission is "Doing the Most Good." Their main goal is to feed, clothe, comfort and care for those who need it the most. There are currently 7,546 centers in communities across the United States. These centers include disaster relief, anti-human trafficking efforts, rehab centers, food distribution and children's programs.

All of their work is funded by kettle donations (the people ringing the bell around the holidays, in case you didn't know), corporate donations and the sale of goods donated by people like you at their Salvation Army stores. To get an even better understanding of The Salvation Army here is their mission statement:
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination."  

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