The Autumnal Equinox ushers in the season.

A lot of things are a little different this year, but one thing that will always be constant is the changing of the seasons. While parts of the country, like Colorado, got a little taste of fall (and winter) earlier this September, official fall is still coming up just around the corner. On September 22 at 9:30 a.m. EDT (7:30 a.m. MDT), we will make yet another seasonal transition that heralds the changing of the leaves and cooler weather on the horizon. 

The fall equinox signals a few things for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere (for those south of the equator, it signals the start of spring): summer is officially over (though meteorological fall started on Sept. 1), the nights will be longer than the days, and everything under the sun is now pumpkin spice flavored, scented, and tinted, with an occasional smattering of apple cider availability.

The equinox isn't actually the whole day but is instead the exact moment each September, between the 21st and 23rd, that the sun will set directly above the equator. The coolest thing is that the equinox happens at the exact same time everywhere across the globe.

It's also the time of the year that is as close to 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of night as the world gets. After that, the nights get longer, and we start sliding into those cold, dark winter evenings until December 21st, which marks the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year. 

"Everywhere you look, you can see the visible changes as nature prepares for winter: birds are flying south, temperatures are getting cooler, leaves are changing colors, and animals’ coats are thickening, to name a few," says the Farmer's Almanac about fall

Are you ready from fall? What is your favorite season? Let us know in the comments.

Becky Talley
A Colorado native, Becky’s a confirmed word nerd who loves to write about and photograph this great state! Give a wave and say "Hi" if you see her hiking out and about on the trails or geeking out over historical tours of colorful Colorado, preferably, of the haunted variety. She's always happy to learn about the new, cool, creepy and bizarre, so feel free to share story ideas with her on Twitter!