Cafe Philosophique is returning to the Bridge Hotel in Werribee as a monthly fixture starting Wednesday, February 12. Drawing roots from a Parisienne intellectual tradition, philosophy cafes provide grassroot forums for people to discuss ideas. Each night will include a feature poet and musician, alongside three open mic spots for those wanting to share a poem, story or song relevant to the nightly theme. Jessica Fairfax, who will produce the event with the Little Theatre Company, started the series in 2017 at the Alex Theatre in St Kilda. She said inspiration can come from anywhere. “For this first iteration our nightly themes were inspired by “philosophical” quotes we found on public toilet walls.” “In subsequent series we have since looked into death and dying, relationships, love and empowerment.” A way to venture into philosophical parts unknown, the first session will be centred around the notion of purpose. Gracing the mic will feature poet Sean M Whelan and a Pasifika songstress will augment the auditory experience. While learning and self-discovery is integral to a philosophy cafe, the exchange between other thinkers is not to be underestimated. “We hope to foster understanding between each other through respectful conversation and through discovering the different and similar ways we experience things,” Ms Fairfax said. “Finally, we hope the event brings some awe into the lives of our attendees through stimulating ah-ha moments, and curating great stories and beautiful music.” Each night’s theme will be announced a month in advance, so artists and attendees will have plenty of time to prepare.