Jerry Powell found a way to help his community, hands out free woodworking kits to kids. 

School has been drastically altered for school kids across Colorado, and people across the state are working hard to keep those minds and hands busy. One community member in Castle Rock decided he could do a little something about the seemingly endless hours that parents and students might be trying to fill. That person is Jerry Powell, who owns Castle Rock Woodworks and has decided to put together some DIY building kits for kids to take home.

Powell, inspired by what he saw happening in his own neighborhood, knew he could do something to help the kids in his own community.

The kits are simple, meant to be easy for kids to construct using glue and then decorated. The kits are also completely free.

The first kit was a birdhouse, the second an outdoor planter box. The response from the community has been huge, with people loving the kits and being truly appreciative of Powell. Not wanting money for the kits, Powell is taking donations so that he can keep the project going. He plans to put out new projects for kids as long as he has the supplies to do so.

woodworking kits
Courtesy of Castle Rock Woodworks (Facebook)

Powell has shared videos on Facebook showing how to put the kits together, as well as plans for the kits so that anyone with the right machines and equipment can make them. He posts on Facebook regularly on when and where he will be setting out the kits for pick up.

This is one awesome story of one person taking that extra step and wanting to make a difference. As they say, it takes a village, and this is a perfect example of how that concept works. We appreciate everything our local community does to support each other, showing the true spirit of Colorado. Our thanks to Powell and his team for everything they are doing! We look forward to seeing more colorful creations from the kids around Castle Rock.

Have you picked up one of Jerry Powell’s woodworking kits? If so, please share your pictures in the comments.