Breckenridge invites snow lovers of all ages to attend the Breckenridge Ullr Fest January 11th-14th!

Ullr pronounced “Eww-lurr” is the son of Sif and the stepson of Thor in Norse Mythology. Thor is famously known to be an expert hunter, archer, and skater, but most importantly skier. Each year a festival is put on in Breckenridge to please the snow gods in hopes they bring fresh powder. These snow gods are only pleased with the biggest party you can imagine which is why this event should not  be missed!

What’s the main event?

The main event is the Ullr parade. Over 12,000 people gather to watch floats and Viking characters take over the streets in celebration. Not only can fun times be had at the parade, but for snow partiers 21 and over you can have the chance to participate in the world’s longest Shot Ski. Just in case you have been living under a rock for the past decade, a Shot Ski is a ski with multiple shots lined up on it and you tip the ski to take the shot at once. [gallery ids="5804,5805,5806,5807,5808,5809"] Breckenridge Distillery broke a record for the largest Shot Ski in 2013 at the Breckenridge Ullr Fest with 60 skis and 192 people participating in taking a shot in unison. If you want to help break this record this year, you have to register for the shot at the Riverwalk Center anytime after 1pm. [gallery ids="5810,5811,5813,5814,5815,5816,5817"] The parade and the Shot Ski are definitely not to be missed but aren’t the only activities that will be going on during this event. There is plenty of drink specials, beer, group ski racing, frying pan tossing and more! For the list of all of the activities check them out on the main website here. Be sure to mark your calendars so you don’t miss arguably one of the most fun and rowdy snow festivals of the year! When: January 11th-14th 2017 Where: Main Street Breckenridge

For other cool places in the mountains to visit, check out some great suggestions here!

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