Art galleries are incredibly cool to visit, but sometimes they can be intimidating, especially if you’re not looking to purchase.

The art galleries of Dupont Circle host an event on the first of every month called the First Friday Art Walk around Dupont. Participating galleries host open houses, displaying their art for view and serving light refreshments.

Join the First Friday Art Walk around Dupont on Friday, March 2 to explore galleries, learn more about local artists, and meet like-minded people in the community. [caption id="attachment_7224" align="aligncenter" width="300"]art walk Courtesy of[/caption] WHERE: The neighborhood of Dupont Circle. You can find a list of participating galleries with an accompanying map here. WHEN: First Friday of every month | Next Occurrence: Friday, March 2, 2018 | 6 to 8 p.m. COST: Free to attend. Paintings sold separately. Many galleries will provide light refreshments (and wine!). DETAILS: Each gallery has its own unique feel and types of art. Some are more elegant with classical music playing in the background and sketches lining the wall, while others are louder with sculptures taking center stage in the middle of the floor. Whichever you prefer, you’ll find an art gallery in Dupont that will suit your tastes. Some galleries will allow you to get your hands dirty and try your hand at painting their mural-filled walls. Others will allow you to interact with the artwork. If you have an interest in learning about art, how art is created, or just want to view something new, this is a casual way to do so. And if you’re looking to add artwork to your apartment décor, all the pieces displayed on the Art Walk will be available for purchase. [caption id="attachment_7228" align="aligncenter" width="635"]art walk Courtesy of[/caption]
This event not only allows art galleries in the Dupont neighborhood to gain some exposure, but also creates popularity in the neighborhood in terms of shops, museums, and restaurants. You can check out a list of prominent shops in Dupont here. Another cool thing to check out in the area is Dupont Underground, a creative art and performance space underground in a former train station. The complete guide to the neighborhood of Dupont can be found here. [caption id="attachment_7223" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]art walk Courtesy of[/caption] And if you love art events, check out other community opportunities like Art Speed Dating! Have you been to a First Friday Art Walk in Dupont before? Let us know what you thought in the comments below!

The Atlas's Intersections festival is in full swing! Read all about it here!

Masha Berman
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