In-person learning centers will aid students struggling with remote learning. 

The City of Denver is giving a helping hand to parents and students who may need a little extra support while navigating the new world of online learning. The city worked with Denver Public Schools (DPS) and several community partners to pinpoint where families and students might need extra support.

Currently, the district plans to be on remote learning until October 16.

The centers were set up in areas of Denver that DPS felt had more struggling students who could benefit from the centers and had trouble staying engaged when the district went remote last spring. These sites are completely free for families and focused on students ages 6 through 12. The centers are being funded with funds through the CARES Act. Each site is staffed by members of local youth-serving organizations; free lunch, breakfast, and snacks are served at every center. Parents and guardians will check students in for the day, children are required to wear masks, and go through a health screening before entry.

The four centers are located at the following recreation centers:

  • 5090 Broadway Recreation Center- 5090 Broadway; staffed by the Sims-Fayola Foundation.
  • Athmar Recreation Center-2680 West Mexico Avenue; staffed by the Boys & Girls Clubs.
  • Montebello Recreation Center - 15555 East 53rd Avenue; Staffed by the YMCA.
  • Rude Recreation Center- 2855 West Holden Place; staffed by Colorado I have a Dream.

The centers are all open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday until October 16.

There are some safety tips and daily requirements that must be abided by for all participants:

  • Students need to bring a fully charged laptop or similar device, headphones, and charging cords.
  • Students and staff are required to wear a facemask and complete health screenings before entry. All COVID-19 safety guidelines in place for the CITY of Denver will be applied and must be abided by. 
  • Parents and guardians may not enter the building, students will be dropped off and picked up at the end of the day. Facilities are closed to the public.
  • Once checked in students must stay until the end of the day unless early pick-up arrangements are made with staff ahead of time. 
  • If a student is not attending regularly their spot may be forfeited and given to a student on the waiting list. 
  • Space is limited to twenty students at each location and spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. 

Learn more about each location and submit an interest form for each program online here

DPS learning center flier

How is remote learning going for your students? What challenges and successes have you seen now that school has been in session for a couple of weeks? Leave a comment below.