More than 1,000 Coloradans have died due to complications with the virus.

On Friday, May 15, a statewide Day of Remembrance will be held for those who have lost their lives due to COVID-19, announced Governor Jared Polis on Thursday afternoon. 

The state will observe a moment of silence at 7 p.m., as lights across the state turn red.

Polis said in a statement:

“This global pandemic has cost 300,000 lives across the world and over 1,000 in Colorado alone. Too many Coloradans have lost family members and friends to this deadly virus, and we honor and celebrate their lives especially because many victims couldn’t have proper in-person funerals, remembrances and wakes. This is a challenging moment for many of our friends and neighbors and to those Coloradans who are struggling: you are not alone, and we are all in this together."

Over 1,000 of our fellow Coloradans have lost their lives in this fight, according to data from the state Department of Public Health and Environment, and have not been honored, celebrated, or mourned. For these people, this is a moment to remember, honor, and come together as a community.

Flags will also fly at half-staff at state buildings on Friday, in honor of Peace Officers Memorial Day—an annual observance that pays tribute to local, state, and federal peace officers who have died, or been disabled, in the line of duty.

What do you think of this Day of Remembrance? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.