So, what is it?

In less than a decade, CBD products have gone from being effectively illegal to something that you can buy in line at Whole Foods. That's an "Ellen Degeneres" level of reputation shift. 

Despite now being able to order CBD products online, there's still a lot of stigma surrounding it. We'd like to walk you through three common talking points about CBD and demystify some of the discussion about it.

How is CBD different from THC?

Cannabis plants have hundreds of natural compounds, with the two most abundant and studied being cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). While both compounds interact with your body's Endocannabinoid System, they do so with different outcomes. Both affect the release of neurotransmitters in your brain, although they do so in different capacities. These neurotransmitters are the chemicals that allow cells to communicate and play a role in how your body manages things like pain, immune function, sleep, and stress. 

The cannabis of the Snoop Dogg and Pineapple Express variety prioritizes THC content. Hemp-derived CBD products on the other hand are produced to make use of the medicinal properties of the plant without the psycho-intoxicating effects of large amounts of THC. They are most often taken in the form of supplements, like tinctures, capsules, and topicals. 

Does CBD get people "stoned"?

Short answer: no. THC aggressively binds to the CB1receptors in your brain to produce a euphoric "high" sensation, CBD doesn't do that. Instead, its effects are a lot more subtle. CBD indirectly interacts with the receptors that actually modulated the effects of THC and produces a relaxing effect. 

Many people choose to use CBD products because it comes with more specialized pain relief, anti-anxiety, and sleep-aid benefits without having to deal with the intoxicating effects of THC. Full-spectrum CBD products make use of very small amounts of THC (0.3% by weight) to make use of all the beneficial compounds. If you are worried about failing a drug test, choose a broad-spectrum or isolate CBD product that is THC-free. 

What are the effects? 

As mentioned above, CBD is a super versatile compound helping to ease the symptoms of pain or anxiety. Hemp has been used to treat pain as far back as 2900 B.C. In fact, several studies have shown an ability to treat chronic, long-term pain from diseases like multiple sclerosis and arthritis. 

Even if you aren't looking to manage any pain, there are still applications for CBD products. Several studies have pointed at its ability to relieve anxiety and other stress-related health issues that could stem from it, such as insomnia or stress eating.

Additionally, studies have shown a capacity for treating substance abuse, lowering the risk of diabetes, and reducing acne. It's worth noting that everybody can react to CBD differently, and there's no one-size-fits-all for using it. Most CBD vendors will be able to recommend specific products or applications, depending on what you might be trying to get out of it. If you have any questions about products, make sure to ask your vendor before you try anything.

Do you have any recommendations for CBD products? Let us know in the comments!

Andre Gilbo
Andre Gilbo is a content writer for OCN. In his spare time, he enjoys horror novels and trees.