"The space between" the last DMB concert in Colorado and this one will be almost exactly three years.

"Where are you going" on August 24 and 25? Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre, that's where -- if you have a hankering to see Dave Matthews Band in all their incredible concert glory! The popular rock band is including back-to-back concerts in Englewood, Colorado, on their newly announced summer tour, which will promote their ninth studio album. Tickets will go on sale on Friday, February 2, at 10 a.m. on axs.com, and will cost between $45.50 and $115. But if you're a member of their fan club, you can actually get tickets now! [caption id="attachment_31526" align="aligncenter" width="900"]dave matthews Courtesy of davematthewsband.com[/caption]
All online ticket orders completed before May 17 will come with a copy of the currently unnamed album -- via your choice of digital download or CD. Dave Matthews Band loves Colorado, and Colorado loves Dave Matthews Band. Though their last performance here was in August of 2015, the band has actually recorded three live albums in Colorado in their 27-year history: one at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in 1995, one at Folsom Field in Boulder in 2001, and one at the Mile High Music Festival in 2008. Sounds like it's about time for another one .... (just sayin'!) For more information, visit the band's website! Are you planning to get tickets to see DMB? What's your favorite song of theirs? Besides their new album, what songs do you hope make the set list? Let's get the discussion started in the comments below. And we'll "crash" into you there!

Bon Jovi's coming to Denver in March. Click here to see how he's making up for last year's concert cancellation!

Chris Wiegand
I write awesome things, apparently!