Denver is single and ready to mingle! WalletHub has ranked the Mile High City as the fourth-best city in the United States for singles.

If you're looking for love, then your chances are bound to soar in the Mile High. According to a study by WalletHub, there are several dating factors that go into finding the best city for singles, like economics and dating opportunities -- and Denver ranked at No. 4! So now, not only is Denver one of the happiest cities, but it's also one of the most single-friendly cities too. singles By comparing 182 cities in the United States across three key dimensions (economics, fun and recreation, and dating opportunities), WalletHub was able to find the best and worst cities for singles. "Economics" is broken down into the following components: restaurant costs, movie costs, unemployment rates, overall well-being index, and many others. "Fun and recreation" includes: museums, restaurants, nightlife options, among others. And finally, "Dating Opportunities" ranges from single population to gender balance to online dating services, like Tinder or Hater! Each of the three dimensions are broken down into points, with the total adding up to 100. View the point breakdown below. And if you're interested in learning more about the analysts' methodology, click here. singles
Denver wasn't the only Colorado city to have made the list -- Colorado Springs and Aurora ranked at No. 39 and 111, respectively. [gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="27716,27717"] The five cities that are struggling in the dating game are Warwick, Rhode Island; Hialeah, Florida; Pembroke Pines, Florida; Brownsville, Texas; and South Burlington, Vermont. Read the full study here. What are your thoughts on Denver's results? Let us know in the comments below!

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