*Originally published on May 14, 2019:
As temperatures rise, dog owners everywhere need to remember the dangers of leaving a pet in a locked car.
Even with the windows cracked, a car can get sweltering hot in just minutes. The Tracy Police Department put together this great chart showing you exactly how quickly the temperature can rise.
What can I do if I see a dog in a locked, hot car?
The best thing you can do is to get help. According to The Humane Society, the way you can do this is:
- Get the description and license plate number of the car.
- Have nearby businesses make an announcement for the pet owner overhead.
- Call the police non-emergency number and follow their instructions.
DO NOT take matters into your own hands. Every town may have its own Good Samaritan laws regarding acceptable action, and your local police department is best equipped to advise you.

How do I know if my dog is overheated?
If you suspect your dog has become overheated due to high outside temperatures, look for the following warning signs of heatstroke: excessive panting, thirst, and salivation. An overheated dog may also be lethargic, seem confused, or dizzy. If it truly is heatstroke, a dog may lose consciousness or have a seizure.
If your dog is exhibiting these symptoms, move it to a cool, air-conditioned location and apply ice packs or cold towels to its head, neck, and chest. After giving it water to drink or ice cubes to lick, you should take it to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
The best way to avoid heatstroke for your dogs is to simply leave them at home with plenty of water. As fun as it is to take them with you, it's always better to be safe than sorry.