Let’s face it: There’s just something about New Year’s resolutions that make them easy to give up on. Perhaps it’s knowing that no one really takes them that seriously.

We’re about as familiar with the jokes about abandoning our New Year's resolutions as we are with coming up with the resolutions themselves. So there’s really no pressure in falling off the wagon once, or twice, or, frankly, hundreds of times. According to a recent YouGov survey, these three resolutions all tied for first place (37 percent) as 2018’s most popular New Year’s resolutions:
  1. Exercising more
  2. Eating better
  3. Saving money
It’s likely no surprise to anyone that exercise made the list. A 2015 Nielsen survey found that fitness is the most common theme in our New Year’s resolutions. Maybe this is due to the fact we all stuff ourselves silly during Christmas dinner and quickly follow-up with excessive alcohol consumption on New Year’s Eve, so we’re feeling a bit guilty. You could say the same for our motivations behind wanting to establish healthier eating and spending habits as well. Now, we’re at that point in January when our motivation is dwindling. I’ve already noticed a few new faces at the gym showing up each day with less and less gusto. If you’re starting to struggle, find comfort in the fact that so is everyone else, and give these tips a try to rekindle your ambition: Find Support New Year's resolutions As you seek advice from others, you may find a common suggestion for committing to your resolutions: a proper support system. Having the company of a friend or family member while you accomplish your goals will make the task feel more like fun and less like an obligation. And if your resolution has you exploring within an uncharted territory, you may need the help of a professional (such as a personal trainer) to guide you in the right direction. You can also get involved in local clubs and use your resolutions as a means of meeting new people! Be Practical New Year's resolutions An easy way to lose hope in accomplishing your New Year's resolutions is by setting unrealistic standards for yourself. Most resolutions, especially this year’s top contenders, require some significant changes in your daily life. Rather than biting off more than you can chew, be specific and start small so that you can easily transition your resolutions into your lifestyle without having to move mountains to do it.
Phrasing New Year's resolutions Perhaps you’re losing motivation because the way you’re approaching your resolutions is a tad too intense. You may not even realize it! Even being too vague about what you’re trying to accomplish could inadvertently be putting pressure on you. For example, rather than thinking, “I will eat healthy,” get more specific, and think, “I will eat more vegetables with my meals and drink three bottles of water a day.” Giving yourself this kind of direction will, in my opinion, also help bring the goals you’re looking for into focus. Be Hard on Yourself New Year's resolutions This goes against what most other articles on this topic suggest, but I believe you will need to kick yourself a little bit to truly stay committed. It’s extremely easy to come up with an excuse for why it’s okay that you didn’t stick with your resolution today. However, if you aren’t careful, today can turn into tomorrow ... and the next day ... and the next day ... and the next day, until it’s 2019 and you’re back at square one. The fact of the matter is, there will definitely be days when you don’t want to go to the gym, when you remember how satisfying McDonald’s fries are, and when you hear that voice in the back of your mind telling you to treat yo' self. And if the only part of New Year’s resolutions that you enjoy is coming up with them, that’s fine! We’re not here to judge. Ultimately, you’re in control of whether or not this year’s resolutions become next year’s habits. Let us know what suggestions you try and how your progress is coming along in the comments below!

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Chris Wiegand
I write awesome things, apparently!