A viral TikTok claim has got the internet abuzz with rumors. What's the rumor, you ask? That Dr Pepper is being discontinued. Luckily, this is not the case.

(Thank goodness! As a huge Dr Pepper fan, my heart sank when I first heard this rumor. I'm so glad it's not true! And yes, in case you were wondering, I am writing this article while drinking a Dr Pepper. It just felt right, you know?)

In fact, the rumors got so crazy and out of hand that the brand took matters into its own hands, stating in a tweet:

"Hey internet, You can all cool your thumbs, because Dr Pepper is not being discontinued. *applause* This rumor started with a TikTok video posted earlier this week. No more Dr Pepper would be very upsetting. World crushing. The worst of all time. But you have nothing to worry about. Dr Pepper isn’t going anywhere. These 23 flavors are 4 life."

A spokesperson for Dr Pepper also stated, "A leading U.S. soft drink, Dr Pepper is over 100 years old with no plans for retirement, and rumors suggesting otherwise are false."

Despite the false rumors, Dr Pepper is still going strong and remains popular among fans. There's even a trend called Dirty Soda (it's much better than it sounds, trust us!), where you mix soda—like Dr. Pepper—with cream, flavored syrups, and sometimes even fruit to create a customizable drink.

This trend has taken off so much that Coffee Mate is making it an official product with the launch of a new Dirty Soda creamer. The new Coffee Mate Dirty Soda Coconut Lime-Flavored Creamer was created in partnership with Dr Pepper, too. Check it out:


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"The modern coffee drinker demands more from their brands—more flavor, more indulgence, and more opportunities to experiment with their favorite coffee products. Coffee Mate is embracing exploration for any time of day," said Leonardo Aizpuru, Nestlé Vice President of Brand Marketing for the Beverage Division and Business Unit, in a statement. "We are excited to collaborate with Dr Pepper merging the worlds of coffee creamer and soda, making it easy to make the viral Dirty Soda trend that’s taken the world by storm. We know that Coffee Mate fans love Dr Pepper so we’re excited to introduce this iconic partnership as an easy way for our brands to deliver the convenience of flavor and fun at home."

So, for all of you Dr Pepper fans, like myself, fear not. Our beloved soda isn't going anywhere!

Kristina Shriver
Director of Our Community Now. When not writing or reading, Kristina likes to dance like no one is watching and enjoys speaking in vague movie references/quotes, which only a select few in her circle truly understand. A huge nerd, she loves attending comic book conventions (in costume, of course!) and engaging in geek-fueled conversations with anyone who is willing to listen to her ramble. She also dedicates her spare time to supporting various mental health organizations.