Did you know that good energy-proofing can cut your utility bill in half? Make your home more energy efficient with these handy tips!

We are lucky enough to live in a world filled with technology and innovation. Smart tech, useful apps, and transportation fixes are everywhere. It has never been easier to live an efficient life, and there are a few things you can do to make your home more energy efficient as well. Use these tips to help cut down on your carbon footprint and live a more eco-friendly life!

Get Good Windows, and Seal Them Well

energy efficiency If your windows are old and leaky, it's a good idea to replace them with some new, energy efficient windows. Consider adding weatherstripping around the frames of your windows to prevent draftiness. Installing a quality window with a good seal will keep your air in, so your energy isn't being wasted seeping through the windows.

Install Solar Panels

energy efficiency Okay, solar panels aren't exactly cheap or necessarily easy. They are a fantastic and increasingly popular way to heat your hot water and generate clean energy for your home. Solar panels can also qualify you for annual tax incentives, a nice added benefit to a more energy efficient home.

Make Sure You're Well Insulated

energy efficiency Good insulation slows the rate that heat escapes your house in the winter or enters your house in the summer. This means less energy is required to keep your house at a comfortable temperature in any season. If your house doesn't have good insulation, it may as well be full of cavities. Insulation can save you enough energy to be well worth the cost of installing it.

Plant Shade Trees and Shrubs

energy efficiency Believe it or not, if you have an older house with poor insulation and windows, good landscaping and deciduous trees can save energy, especially if planted on the west side of the house. In summer, the foliage blocks infrared radiation that warms the house. In winter, the bare branches allow the radiation through to help keep the house warm, allowing you to use less energy no matter the season.

Lower Your Thermostat

energy efficiency Get in the habit of lowering the temperature on your thermostat while away from home. Dropping the temperature by just three to five degrees will reduce your utility bill and save energy. In fact, according to Energy.gov, lowering your thermostat by 10 15 degrees during the work day will save you between 5 percent and 15 percent on your utilities every year. What do you do to help make your home more energy efficient? Tell us about it in the comments!

The White House is undergoing some renovations of it's own!

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