Soak in the beauty of Mother Nature as you visit these incredible five places in Washington DC to watch the sun set. You'll be blown away!

With all of the monuments, memorials and buildings in DC, it can be tough to get a good view of the sun setting across the horizon. Have no fear, because we've managed to gather the five best places in the area that will afford you front row seats to gorgeous sunsets.

Alexandria Waterfront

sun Just outside of DC in northern Virginia, Alexandria is calling your name. The waterfront will offer you the most incredible views of the Potomac no matter the time of day, but especially during sunset.

Kennedy Center

sun Climb up to the rooftop terrance restaurant on the Kennedy Center and you'll be rewarded with gorgeous sunsets as the sun dips into the horizon.

National Harbor

sun As soon as the sun begins to set along the National Harbor, with the Capital Wheel reflecting in the water, you'll never want the beauty to end.

Jefferson Memorial

sun The Tidal Basin is beautiful no matter what, but when you take a seat on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial and look at the sun setting across the Basin, it is one of the best ways to end a day!

Key Bridge

sun Key Bridge in Georgetown is one of the prettiest bridges in the entire city. Don't miss the sun as it sets and glistens through the arches, making the Potomac come to life. Are there other spots in the DC area that afford beautiful views of sunsets? Share them (and your photos) with us! Featured photo courtesy of Angela B. Pan Photography.

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