These are five great gifts that new and expectant mothers will love!

Whether someone is a new mom or expecting a child shortly after the holiday season, picking out gifts for them can be a daunting task. This is especially true if she has already had a baby shower (though it might actually be helpful to know what she already has). Nevertheless, these are five great and easy holiday gifts for new and expectant mothers.

1. Disposable Diapers

new and expecting mothers Diapers are something that new parents will never have enough of, and they're always appreciated. In the past two years, diapers have actually become one of the best deals anywhere on the internet. Since Amazon matches their prices to their competitors, you can actually get diapers cheaper online than you can in person. If you're purchasing for an expectant or new mother, skip the newborn or size 0. These are diapers that get outgrown the fastest. Focus on sizes 1 through 3. Obviously, get the diaper size that their child is currently wearing -- there's nothing thoughtful about giving someone diapers their kid won't fit into until a year from now! Many mothers say that their kid skipped over Size 2 so if you're going to give the gift of disposable diapers to new moms, consider a smaller package of Size 1 diapers or a larger package of Size 3 diapers. That way, when it comes time to upgrade to the next size, there will already be some on hand!

2. Cloth Diapers

new and expecting mothers You should also consider giving the gift of cloth diapers. I know, I know ... they're gross. But all diapers are gross. That being said, cloth diapers have come along way over the years. With new moms looking to squeeze every penny -- and help maintain the environment -- reusable cloth diapers are making a comeback! A package of 10 white cotton diapers only costs around $13, though it's also a good idea to spend a little more for the reusable inserts as well. A lot of new mothers choose to use cloth diapers when they are at home and rely exclusively on disposables when they're out and about. This gift can help them get their feet wet without having to invest in all of the supplies.

3. Baby Carriers

new and expecting mothers While new and expectant mothers tend to get the car seat and strollers pretty early on, baby carriers can be pretty hit or miss. Even if a new mom already has a baby wrap, carrier, or sling, there are always pros and cons for each design, and I have never met a mom who wasn't at least willing to try out a new design. Baby wraps can be really versatile, allowing moms to carry their child in a number of different positions. This 4-in-1 baby wrap is one of the most popular because of its ability to be worn a few different ways. The Infantino Flip is also a very popular design that incorporates the softness of a sling but the rigidity of a carrier. And if you're looking for a gift for a new dad, the Mission Critical Tactical Baby Carrier is a pricy, but awesome gift, that allows new dads to look manly and tactical while carrying their new baby. It's really popular so it is usually out of stock on Amazon.

4. Diaper Bags

new and expecting mothers I can't tell you enough how valuable a good diaper bag is. Many new parents just turn to whatever tote bag they can and throw all of the baby gear in. When the little mister or miss has an accident out in public, a good, organized diaper bag becomes worth its weight in gold. The most gifted diaper bag on Amazon is the HapTim Multi-Function Baby Bag. Not only does it come with plenty of insulated and organized pockets, but it also has straps to fit around a stroller when the family is on the go.

5. Babysitting Coupons and a Spa Gift Card

new and expecting mothers As much as new mothers love their babies, there always comes a time when they just need to get away for an afternoon. For a non-traditional present, get the new mom a gift card to a local spa and also give her a "coupon" good for one day of babysitting. Not only will this help get mom out of the house to pamper herself for a change, but it will also give you an afternoon with a baby, and who wouldn't want that!? -- Got any suggestions of gifts for new and expectant mothers that we should add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below!
Max McGuire
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