TYLER, Texas ( KETK ) – In this From the Archives report from 1999 we go back to celebrate the National Day of Prayer.

People of all races and religious affiliations gathered in Tyler to observe the National Day of Prayer.

“Our passion for the Lord, our passion for righteousness, our passion for prayer must exceed the world’s passion for sin,” the mayor of Tyler said at his prayer breakfast.

There was also a youth prayer gathering at the Square in Downtown Tyler. One girl spoke about praying for the children in Littleton, Colorado, shortly after the Columbine school shooting.

“Prayer is race-less, prayer is color-less, prayer is tradition-less, prayer comes from the heart,” Reverend Jerome Milton said. “Prayer has no political agenda, prayer has no prejudice.”

The children at the prayer rally were grateful for the experience.

“I asked God to help us, and for no one to be hurt,” one child shared.