"You’ve been there for our communities, we're here to support you," says Starbucks.

Starbucks has announced that it will be reviving its promotion offering free coffee for frontline workers amid a rise in COVID-19 cases.

Starbucks originally offered free coffee for frontline workers back in March and April when the pandemic first became widespread.

“It has been an extraordinarily difficult year, especially for the front-line responders who are serving our communities,” said Virginia Tenpenny, Starbucks vice president, Global Social Impact in a statement. “We want to show our deep gratitude for those who support and protect us every day with a small gesture of kindness and a cup of coffee.”

During the month of December, eligible customers will be able to receive a free tall hot or iced coffee from "U.S. company-operated locations and select licensed stores." The promotion began on December 1 and ends on December 31. 

According to the company, those eligible to receive the free coffee are essential front-line health care providers and first responders, including doctors, nurses, public health workers, pharmacists, dispatchers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, law enforcement officers, dentists and dental hygienists, mental health workers, hospital staff such as janitor/housekeeping/security, military on active duty, contact tracers, vaccine and pharmaceutical researchers, pilots, flight attendants, TSA, and medical researchers.

Starbucks also plans to surprise 50,000 frontline responders with 50,000 care packages and gift cards throughout the holiday season. They have also donated $100,000 to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), to help support virtual mental health resources for frontline responders. 

Check with your local Starbucks location to see if they are participating.

What other promotions and offers to thank and help essential and frontline health care workers and other essential workers have you seen? Give us the details in the comments.