The Annapolis Chocolate Binge Festival is back on December 3. Come out and enjoy chocolate, holiday shopping, and more!
From noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, December 3, the Annapolis Arts District and The Inner West Street organization of Annapolis will once again be holding the town’s annual Chocolate Binge Festival. Now in its third year, the Annapolis Chocolate Binge Festival features entertainment, lots of chocolate and Christmas and holiday shopping. Once you've indulged in all of the chocolate and shopping, watch as the West Street Holiday Light Canopy is lit up in a beautiful display. There is no cost to attend. However, the event organizers do suggest making a $5 donation -- this gets patrons a free cup of hot chocolate (while supplies last), and it benefits the Annapolis Arts District. [gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="5763,5764"] Over two dozen vendors will be giving out free samples of chocolate of all types, including brownies, pies, gingerbread houses, caramels, chocolate truffles, cakes, cookies, cupcakes, fudge and more. Have a chocolate brunch at Rams Head Tavern of Annapolis, or enjoy wine and chocolate tastings in the afternoon at Luna Blu. Reynolds Tavern will be screening the romantic comedy/drama Chocolat, which stars Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche. [caption id="attachment_5760" align="aligncenter" width="720"]
Roast marshmallows and make s’mores in West Street’s fire pit with the Annapolis Fire Department. And for the youngsters, Santa will be on-site to meet and collect toys and clothing items for disadvantaged youth and families, and there will also be a moon-bounce and a snowball run.
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