It was a dark and stormy night—and then, the phone rang!

Okay, so maybe it wasn't a dark and stormy night (the facts are a little muddled), but we can all agree that The White House is an old mansion from the 1800s and probably has a ghost or two living on the grounds.

Jenna Bush Hager virtually shared a spooky experience on The Kelly Clarkson Show this week regarding a moment she and her twin sister Barbara had during their time in The White House.


Courtesy of The Kelly Clarkson Show Instagram

Jenna says she and her sister were sharing a room at the time, and one night the phone rang...

“It woke us up in the middle of the night,” she explained. “We had a fireplace in our room, and all a sudden we started hearing, like, 1920s piano music as clear as day coming out of the fireplace.” 

Jenna went on to explain on the show that the ghost seemed friendly and wasn't mean. (Maybe it was Casper?) The interesting thing is that there have been numerous ghost sightings in The White House in the past. Abigail Adams claimed that she saw a ghost headed to the East Room wearing a cap and lace shawl. Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands have all claimed either seeing the ghost of Abe Lincoln or feeling his presence.

It's feeling a little chilly in the air! What do you think of Jenna's ghost story? Do you think The White House is haunted? Let us know in the comments below!

Reni Rhodes
Reni is originally from SoCal but has lived in the DC Metropolitan area for over a decade and now calls the nation's capital her home. When she is not writing for Our Community Now, she works as a public servant and frequently volunteers with a local community service organization. In her free time, you will often find her playing tennis, trying a new restaurant, rooting for the home team at a sporting event, watching an independent film at a DC film festival, or catching a show at one of the many venues in DC.