The week begins with pressure to think outside the box. Mindset-ruling Mercury shines in brainiac Aquarius. But a jolt from Uranus, the planet of deviation and change, could bring unexpected news. Thankfully, by mid-morning, Mercury is energized through its fusion with the Sun. Your mental alertness and honesty will help you communicate and problem-solve quickly and efficiently.

Come midday, emotions intensify as the moon enters proud Leo, making immediate contact with dramatic Pluto. Your confident attitude could falter in the presence of someone who yields power or influence. Get to the root of your feelings and remember you are not inferior to anyone.

Conversations with a friend or mentor could be game-changing! Brainstorm new ideas and talk openly about your dreams.

Say yes to a public speaking opportunity that could elevate your career. Prepare for heightened attention surrounding your unconventional ideas that. Don’t waver — speak confidently.

Questioning your perspective is a healthy practice that fosters growth. Use debates and discourse to examine your beliefs and ideas from a new angle.

Telling the truth about your feelings will lead to a moment of vulnerability. Be brave, Cancer. Your worries will ease once you cross the hurdle and speak to someone you trust.

Refining your listening skills will make you a great communicator. Wait until you have all the information from your significant other before you share your thoughts.

You mean business today. A stroke of brilliance may reveal solutions to your most pressing problems. Conversations at work could spark something great.

Creativity strikes, luring you toward an artsy project or energizing hobby. Talk openly and freely about your interests. Your enthusiasm may attract someone who shares your passions.

Get in touch with a family member. An insightful conversation may reveal how much your childhood has shaped your thoughts. This breakthrough could motivate you to shift your perspective.

Are you dominating the conversation with your bright ideas? People will enjoy listening to you more if you share the mic.

Fresh ideas to boost your income are flying in. Get your Notes app ready to jot down money-making opportunities or saving hacks.

A surge in self-awareness will leave you feeling liberated, confident, and in control. Don’t let anyone else tell you who you are.

You’re confronting secrets or phobias today. An epiphany may put your worries into perspective, compelling you to speak up about what’s weighing on your mind.