The Lunch Balance Relief Project aims to wipe out student lunch debt in Jeffco Public Schools.

Lunch debt is a growing problem for students and school districts alike. Students will not be denied food if they cannot pay in Colorado’s public schools, however, the debt can begin to pile up and become a significant issue. This can be embarrassing for the kids, and parents of these students may not know where to turn for help. Some districts have even started serving kids who cannot pay a special cheese sandwich (or similar) lunch until the debt is cleared.

In Jefferson County, one Jeffco Public Schools alumni decided to do more to help this growing issue that affects families in his local community. Garrett Hurlbut grew up in the same boat as many of these students, needing a little extra help now and then, and his family was able to get that help through community resources. Hurlbut wants to give back to the same community that lifted him up in his time of need and has launched an online fundraiser, The Lunch Balance Relief Project, to help quash student lunch debt in Jefferson County Public Schools.

“Every day, kids in our local community are unable to enjoy a hot lunch due to overdrawn lunch accounts. We are tackling this issue head-on by alleviating those debts so families can go into their holiday with peace of mind in knowing that they will be returning in the new year with a clean slate. Please join our cause with a simple donation, whether it be $1.00 or $100.00. Every penny is anonymous and goes to a great cause. You can be the difference that these families need this holiday season.”

Hurlbut set a goal of raising money to pay off lunch debts at Jeffco Public Schools, where the unpaid lunch debt is close to $140,000. He, along with his wife, set up an online fundraiser. So far, at the time of this writing, $5,000 has been raised—just about $2,000 under the $7,500 goal.

The original $1,000 goal was met in 24 hours and Hurlbut set the bar higher, deciding to try and clear as much lunch debt in the district as he could. They have raised enough money so far to pay off balances at seven schools and are starting with the schools in the district that have the most debt.

We love stories about people in Colorado helping others. Making a difference one small step at a time leads to amazing things. We hope this giving spirit stays around after the holiday season, as there are always kids in need who can use a helping hand.

Do you know of any other business or individuals helping to pay off lunch debts or give back to the Colorado community? Give us the scoop in the comments, and keep on giving, Colorado!