If you've recently been hit with what seems like a stomach bug, there's a possibility it's norovirus , a sickness that has been surging across the country over the past month or so.

"During Aug. 1 - Dec. 11, 2024, there were 495 norovirus outbreaks reported by NoroSTAT-participating states," according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . "During the same period last seasonal year, there were 363 norovirus outbreaks reported by these states.

"The total number of outbreaks reported during the 2024-2025 seasonal year is above the range reported during the same period during the 2012-2020 and 2021-2024 seasonal years."

Noroviruses are "believed to be one of the most common causes of foodborne illness in the United States," according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

What is the situation with noroviruses in Massachusetts?

Here's what to know.

How many norovirus cases are there in Massachusetts?

It's hard to say, though Department of Public Health acknowledges the sickness is in the Bay State now.

"Since it is difficult to test for NLV (norovirus) in the laboratory, it is hard to say how many people get infected by NLV in Massachusetts," Department of Public Health said .

A graph on the CDC website also shows that cases are drastically increasing across the country.

What are noroviruses?

According to Mass Department of Public Health , they are viruses that cause diarrheal illnesses, noting the "viruses are named after the original strain that caused an outbreak in Norwalk, Ohio."

According to the CDC , "Each year, there are about 2,500 reported norovirus outbreaks in the United States," and are most common from November to April.

What are the symptoms of the virus? How long does norovirus last?

The systems will last about one or two days in most people, "with no long-term effects," according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

How does the sickness spread?

Massachusetts Department of Public Health stated that norovirus can be caught by eating or drinking contaminated food or drinks, "or by close contact with an infected person." The website also noted that "foods can become contaminated by infected food-workers. Some foods, like oysters and berries, can be contaminated with NLV before being delivered to a restaurant or store if they come in contact with contaminated water."

Can anyone catch the virus?

Yes, but Massachusetts Department of Public Health reports that older children and adults are likely to get more severe symptoms than younger people.

Is there a treatment for the virus?


"NLV cannot be treated with antibiotics and people usually get better without medical attention in 1-2 days," according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health , which noted that drinking plenty of fluids is important if infected with the norovirus.

How can people prevent getting the virus?