Here are some key ways to thwart those potential doorstep bandits from walking off with your delivered packages this holiday season.

Just when you think it won't happen to you or your loved ones, those two, very expensive packages of specially hand-crafted baskets that were made in Ohio get swiped off your doorstep. That is exactly what happened to a sibling of mine. Unfortunately, where she lived, there were no security cameras for identifying the culprit and no theft deterrents in place. While these nationwide incidents are garnering some attention, the doorstep package bandit trend still seems to be on the rise. According to, "25.9 million Americans (8 percent) have had a holiday package delivery stolen from a front porch or doorstep. This is up from 23.5 million porch thefts uncovered in our 2015 survey on the same topic." With more and more Americans ordering items online for delivery to their home, the odds of doorstep theft will only increase! However, here's a list of some ways to reduce the chances of bandits scoring a package load this holiday season -- and leaving YOU (or the intended gift receiver) empty-handed.

Amazon Lockers

If you love to purchase items online through Amazon, think about using one of their Amazon Lockers. Amazon Lockers are safe storage spaces at specific locations, where you can pick up packages using a special code within three days of delivery. Find out more about these Amazon Lockers, here.

Good Neighbors

Having good neighbors to keep an eye out is always a good thing! Sometimes retirees and work-from-home types have a much better scoop on the general activity in your development or neighborhood. When they see a package delivered, they can snag it and keep it safe until you get home. And hey, a batch of hot-out-of-the-oven Christmas cookies can be a nice thank you to your trusted neighbor for their services!

Special Delivery Requests

Making a special note to "send next door" or "neighbor downstairs must sign" might lessen the chance of that very expensive item being hauled off by would-be bandits. It's also a good idea to ask your regular USPS, FedEx, or UPS carriers what they recommend. They'll know the ins and outs of package request methods in your neighborhood better than you do.

Workplace Deliveries

If the boss or your trustworthy coworkers don't mind signing for a package delivery, having something delivered to your workplace can be a wise option. Then, consider covering a lunch for them as fair turn-about once their package acceptance mission has been accomplished.

Trusted Family

While your Aunt Barbara may be famous for her butterscotch fudge and mincemeat cookies, she can also be trustworthy family when it comes to that very expensive tea set that needs safe-keeping over the weekend. Relying on family and in-laws (within a decent driving distance) should never be a last-resort. Plus, it might be a good excuse to swing by catch up on Auntie's dessert recipes.   What do you think about Amazon lockers as a package bandit deterrent? Do you have another tried-and-true method for keeping your packages safe? Feel free to leave some comments and let us know.

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Chris Wiegand
I write awesome things, apparently!