Saving energy in the home can be difficult if you don't know where your energy waste comes from. These tips can help you save energy at home!

We've found ten super simple tips that will help you cut your energy bill down this winter!

Wear the Right Clothes

Dress for the outdoor temperature. Layering clothes will help keep you warm in winter. This means you'll be able to lower your heater, which will help you save energy.

Shut Doors and Close Curtains

Heating the whole house can get really expensive. When possible, shut doors to areas you aren't using and only heat the rooms you are in. Additionally, make sure your curtains or blinds effectively seal your window to stop air leaking in and out.

Set Your Thermostat

Did you know that heating counts for around 30 percent of your electricity bill in the winter? Every degree above 68 that you raise the thermostat can add as much as 10 percent to your bill! Keep your thermostat between 64 and 68 for optimal heating without breaking the bank.

Turn Heaters and Coolers off When You Don't Need Them

Make sure to turn the heating off (or way down) if you're going to be leaving the house for a while, or when you go to bed. Some heating systems even allow you to turn off the heat to a specific room.

Wash Clothes in Cold Water

You can actually save around $120 a year by washing your clothes in cold water. You can also save by waiting until you have a full load and selecting a shorter load cycle.

Run Your Fridge Efficiently

Your fridge is constantly running. This makes it one of the most expensive appliances in your home. Make sure the door seals tightly to keep air from escaping. Make sure you know what the ideal temperature is for your fridge, and keep it at that temperature!

Stop Standby Power Waste

Fun fact: Your phone charger keeps using energy, even when your phone isn't attached! Up to 10 percent of your electricity usage may be due to gadgets and appliances on standby. A standby power controller will automatically reduce standby time and turn appliances off when not in use.

Use Energy-Efficient Lightbulbs

Replace old lightbulbs with energy efficient bulbs. These bulbs save energy and last longer. What are you going to do to save energy in your home? Tell us about it in the comments!

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